Dosage of bicarbonate of soda will differ depending on the condition you are treating.
Recommended doses and directions for bicarbonate of soda
Please note, these are only recommended guidelines, this website is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, it is a reference for like-minded individuals who have found alternative forms of natural therapies to assist with various conditions and enhance health. Please consult your healthcare professional should the need arise. Be careful not to consume excessive amounts, which can cause serious electrolyte and acid/base imbalances.
Daily dose of bicarbonate of soda for maintaining optimum health
To increase your body’s pH, take 1/4 tsp. of baking soda dissolved in one-half glass of water on an empty stomach, once in the morning and again before bedtime. Don’t take it with or within an hour of meals, though, as the stomach needs to retain its acidity in order to perform its digestive functions effectively.
Bicarbonate of soda for treatment of colds
During the first day take six doses of half teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda in glass of cool water, at about two hour intervals. During the second day take four doses of half teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals. During the third day, take two doses of half teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in glass of cool water morning and evening, and thereafter half teaspoonful in glass of cool water each morning until cold is cured.
Bicarbonate of soda for treatment of arthritis
By taking baking soda every day you will elevate your pH level and alkalize your body very quickly. This is crucial if you have arthritis, because once the body is alkaline relief from this disease begins almost immediately (no disease, including arthritis, can survive in an alkaline environment). The beauty of drinking baking soda as a natural arthritis remedy is that it provides massive benefits with no negatives (as long as you don't take more than a teaspoon a day).
Tips and cautions when drinking baking soda
Baking soda is high in sodium, so it is a good idea not to overdo it.
If you suffer from liver disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure or edema you should not drink baking soda.
Don’t drink baking soda if you are pregnant or nursing.
If you take prescription drugs, be sure to ask your doctor before drinking baking soda.